😴 Why Some People Need Less Sleep Than Others? (Genetics 🧬 Or Something Deeper) ⚛️

Sleep is just damage repair, and the less you damage your body during the day, the less sleep you will need. 🚧

I noticed this during periods of more intensive training. My sleep would go from 7 hours to 9 hours on average. 📈

However, you can also apply this principle to food damage. Honestly, I was shocked to find out which foods damaged me the most… 🥗?🍕?🍗?🍔?

Food Damage

Like most people, I tried various different diets and food categories. Tried eating vegan, tried fruits only, tried regular diets with a lot of vegetables and salads, tried removing sweets…

In short, I tried a lot.

But it wasn’t until I tried a diet everyone told me was the most unhealthy that I noticed a sizable difference.

It was an exclusive carnivore diet where you only eat meat, eggs, and water and nothing else. No salads, vegetables, or sugars of any kind.

Shocking Results

I first noticed that my sleep went down to the 5-6h range, which was odd.

Even stranger was the fact that I wasn’t tired at all.

Carbs and sugars cause inflammation and huge insulin spikes. Basically, they’re wrecking your body inside out.

Since sleep is in charge of cellular repair, there wasn’t much to repair when I was on a carnivore diet.

Light Factor

Another thing that causes longer sleep is deep sleep (or lack thereof).

You see, your full night’s sleep is not really full.

This is because our body doesn’t know it’s night because of all of the light we’re exposed to.

Usually, the body produces sleep hormones for at least 2 hours before we even hit the pillow.

Today, this production only happens after we shut the light off.

So the first 2h of your sleep are just going to waste.

To prevent this, I take the most important sleep chemical (melatonin) as a supplement before I go to sleep.

This means if we both sleep for 6 hours, I’ll actually get the full 6 hours of sleep. You, on the other hand, will only get 4. 😯

And you’re wondering why you’re always tired.