I study archeology, but I won’t share my age and gender here (as people usually do) because this is a small scientific field, and I’ll probably be “found out” and fired.
Unfortunately, the scientific field is a lot less scientific than most people think. Just like it took 100+ years (and countless women’s lives) to convince doctors to wash their hands. 🤯😱
Since I don’t want to end up horrifically, as the first doctor who suggested hand washing, I want to stay anonymous.
But that being said, here is what I learned…
According to history books, an agricultural revolution happened some 10.000 years ago, while according to evolution, the first primitive humans appeared 2.5 million years ago.
This means we have only eaten plants for the last 0.4% of our existence.
So how can plants be the “key to our health” when we didn’t eat them for 99.6% of our history?
Plants Didn’t Exist?
Yes, none of the plants we eat today (and are frequently recommended) existed until fairly recently.
For example, did you know that banana is only 200 years old? 🍌
Yes, there is a “wild banana”, but it looks nothing like our banana, and it’s completely toxic. So we definitely didn’t eat that.
And it’s almost the same with nearly all “healthy” foods.
All Creatures Want To Live
The lion has massive teeth and claws, the gazelle has quick legs, the hedgehog has spikes… and the plants? … they have poison.
Ok, but what about other animals that eat plants? Since they adapted, what makes you think we haven’t?
I know we haven’t adapted because we still don’t eat any of those “wild” (i.e. poisonous) plants.
So how can my health depend on a 200-year-old banana that didn’t exist for 99.999% of our history?? Makes zero sense.
How They Stayed Shredded?
Meat, walking, and bone marrow (something that almost no one eats today, not even in its supplemental form).
That was their secret. There were no restaurants that were cooking meals with ingredients brought in from 3 different continents. ✈️
They hunted and walked a lot. They caught the animal, they ate the animal, and the biggest prize was who got the bone marrow, which is full of healthy fats and nutrients.
I don’t expect this article to change the world. There is a lot of money to be made with plants (and even more in medical treatment of the damage that those plants make). But if I managed to help one person, I’ll call it a success. 💪