Every human alive today could have had 11% bigger brain were it not for agricultural revolution that happened 10.000 years ago.
Surprisingly, the effect was IMMEDIATE.
This was not evolution, not some adaptation that happened over generations.
The effect happened in the very next generation – 11% of brain volume lost. 🧠
Alcohol Analogy
Let’s say you’re a professional athlete, and your diet is perfect. But every night, you get drunk. 🍻 And as a result, your athletic performance suffers.
From this example, it’s easy to understand that there is no supplement, protein, vitamin, or anything that willcompensate for your alcohol abuse.
The best solution is to just remove the alcohol.
Even with a suboptimal diet, you will still produce far better results as an athlete when you don’t consume alcohol. (compared to optimal diet plus alcohol)
Plant Tolerance
We have 10.000 years of acquired plant tolerance. But just as a heavy drinker tolerates alcohol really well, no one would say the alcohol is helping him.
The only difference is – alcohol is destroying him a little bit less.
But still – destroying him.
Plant Defense
Plants are living beings. And all living beings want to live. Some animals develop hard shells or fast legs. But plants can only sit there and be poisonous. ☠️
After 10.000 years, we may tolerate their poison very well, but that’s hardly a benefit.
Plus, we never got our 11% of the brain back, so I’d argue we still don’t tolerate plant poison well.
Therefore our only solution to a bigger brain is to return to eating what we evolved over millions of years: meat, fats and eggs.
🥚 Egg Magic
I was always fascinated with eggs. It’s just a mixture of liquids, and out of this mixture, you get everything:
- muscles
- bones
- brain
- blood
- immune system
- skin
- nails
In short – everything.
This proves the egg has everything that an organism might ever need. Not only to maintain current systems but to build new ones from scratch.
Now, that’s powerful.
And egg-based supplements are the only ones I’d actually consider taking. Because I know they don’t contain many poisons that plant-based supplements unavoidably contain.
Hope you learned something new today.