Do You Really Need To Brush 🪥 Your Teeth? 🦷 What Cavemen Did Instead 🦴

If all the advice you get is so fucking good then why are all your results so 💩?? Brushing teeth is a symptom of eating poison every fucking day.

(in case you can’t already tell, this is going to be an epic rant)

In nature, if you lost your teeth, you were dead. Period. And until 100 years ago, we didn’t even have toothbrushes…

Symptom vs. Root Problem

Every animal in this world (including humans until recently) has perfect teeth. It was only after we started eating garbage 10.000 years ago we started having serious issues:

– 11% smaller brains

– 5 inches loss in height

– smaller jaw & crooked teeth

And what happened 10.000 years ago?

The agricultural revolution, i.e., we started eating plants.

And what did we eat before? Meat, fat, organs, and most importantly, bone marrow.

This type of eating is still present in many parts of the world. For example, eskimos, various forest tribes, etc. and they allhave perfect teeth.

Absent SuperFood

When was the last time you ate bone marrow? Can’t remember? Me neither 😅

And then we wonder:

– why our teeth and bones aren’t as strong

– why did our ancestors have bigger jaw

– why aren’t we as tall as them

Honestly, I don’t find eating bone marrow very appealing. I believe you can relate. So, instead, I take a bone-based supplement.

This helps me to get all the nutrients my ancestors had in their diet, without having to chase animals through the forest. 😅