Why Are Vampires Always So Rich? 🧛💰

TOP COMMENT: If you’ve lived for centuries; gathered the knowledge, experience, and wisdom of several human lifetimes; went through dozens of bull markets… and you’re still poor(?)… then just step into the sun 😅

As funny as it sounds, living longer is your best bet when it comes to getting rich.

Just look at McDonald’s… the guy started it when he was 62 years old 😲

It’s Never Too Late…

…but you have to start now.

Slowing down aging works best if you start in your 20s and 30s compared to starting in your 60s.

And the best way to start, is to provide your body with everything it needs to function properly. In fact, that’s the bare minimum.

However, study after study shows that the majority of people are either mineral- or vitamin-deficient.

So how can you expect to live long (or be healthy at all) if you don’t even provide your body with all the building blocks of life?

Signs Of Aging

On average, as you age, you gain weight. And it’s not muscle tissue, either. Instead, you’re getting more and more fat.

Most people try to combat that by going to the gym. But, the fat tissue is just an indicator of some internal metabolic process going wrong.

Therefore, the gym only fixes the symptoms and not the underlying cause.

Metabolism Is The Key

When I was younger, I ate the same as now, but the fat didn’t stick to me as much.


Because my metabolism was active. And this is the first step in slowing down aging.

You need to re-activate your metabolism either through a food supplement or with a very strict diet plan.

Personally, I much prefer the pill. Because when I was younger I didn’t have to watch what I ate so much and the fat deposits weren’t such a problem.

Now I’m again noticing how my belly fat is shrinking even though my eating habits stay the same. So I guess it’s working.