Real-Life 🧛‍♀️ Vampiress: “Red Algae Keep Me Young”

Before anyone calls me crazy and blows up my comment section, let me provide you with the facts. Then, if you don’t agree 1 + 1 is 2, it’s not my problem. You’re free to think whatever you want.

Haematococcus pluvialis is a red algae that lives in freshwater and for many years the scientists believed it should not be alive at all.

When directly exposed to the sun, the effect of UV-radiation almost entirely destroys them on a cellular level…


Somehow, they manage to repair all that damage… almost magically.

Of course, it turns out it’s not magic… instead… it’s a little-known chemical compound:
-> Astaxanthin.

Unprecedented Damage Repair

Like many other scientific discoveries, this one also happened by accident. Plus, it is still not clear how the mechanism works, but the effects are visible nonetheless.

After a lot of research, I decided to try it myself.

Honestly, I didn’t expect anything crazy. Especially since, compared to other supplements, this one was surprisingly cheap 🤔

However, the effects were almost immediate…

The first things I noticed the very next day were:

  • wow, this was the best sleep I had in months
  • why do I feel so energized as if I already drank my coffee?

Energy From The Cells

In retrospect, it kinda makes sense that if you start fixing yourself on a cellular level, every other part of the body will work better.

For example, I noticed my strength increased in the gym even though I don’t go as often as I should.

And after a couple of weeks, my skin got back that nice youthful glow.

Future Plans

Currently, I’m 9 months into it… looking better every day.

I also got my yearly supply of astaxanthin since it’s cheaper than regular vitamins.

My biggest concern is long-term dating. For example, decades into the future, how will I break the news to a guy that I’m not 30 years old but actually 60? 😅

The good thing is – I have all the time in the world to think of something by then :))

— Vampiress Deminesse 💋